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  • White wine Luis Alegre – Finca La Reñana

    Elaborated with grapes from Vineyards of Finca La Reñana, of 85 years old, located in the foothills of the Sierra Cantabria, to 650 m. with low returns (3.500 kg/ha) that allows slow ripening and slow. Vineyard Finca La Reñana, of 85 years old, located in the foothills of the Sierra Cantabria, to 650 m. with low returns (3.500 kg/ha) that allows slow ripening and slow.
    Vintage manual boxes 15 kg. Selection table. fermented barrels 7-8 months on its own fine lees. Battonage newspapers to extract proteins and sugars, and that they flow the wine. Special oak forest atypical from the Bertranges. Acknowledgements
    Peñín: 91
    Peñín: 91
    Tim Atkin 94 Tim Atkin 94
    Wine Advocate/Parker 91 Wine Advocate/Parker 91
    Stephen Tanzer 94 Stephen Tanzer 94
  • Red wine – Luis Alegre Reservation 2015

    Elaborated with grapes from vineyards with an average age of 40 years belonging to the winery and controlled exclusively by the Technical Team of Bodegas Luis Alegre.
    Fermented and macerated with the skins during 25 days in tinos stainless steel low-capacity (12.000 Kg.). Happens to French oak barrels and american (50% approx). In this wine we look for the balance between the softness and elegance of the Parenting and the Power and structure of wine “Selected grapes” of this winery.
  • Luis Alegre Crianza red wine 2016

    Luis Alegre Crianza It born from grapes from vineyards of an average age of 30 years old. These are found on farms of soil clay and limestone to about 500 meters of altitude. Following a process of manual harvest, the beans macerated and fermented for about 15 days. Once the malolactic fermentation, Luis Alegre Crianza is transferred into American oak barrels and French. In the same is made the foster, that continues for about 14 months. The barrels are new and second -, third and fourth year. The 80% of these are of american oak and 20% remaining French oak. Luis Alegre Crianza finally rests a year in bottle before release for sale.
  • Red wine Luis Alegre – KODEN 2018

    Concept: techniques of making high range wines in grapes from young vineyards. Vineyards 20-25 years old. Parenting 9 months in new oak barrels Acknowledgements Peñín 90
  • Luis Alegre Roughing red wine carbonic maceration 2018

    With a limited production of 3.000 bottles, Luis Alegre Roughing 2017 it is elaborated with grapes from vineyards of 60 years of age. Once harvested manually, is encuban whole bunches and these undergo the technique of the carbonic maceration. After pressing, for obtaining of the must-wine, it is carried out a controlled fermentation between 16 and 17 degrees celsius during 4 the 5 additional days. After a process of stabilization between 4 and 5 weeks, the wine rests for a single day in French oak barrels for, below, proceed to grinding and bottling.
  • Luis Alegre red wine carbonic maceration

    Selection of grapes of viura from vineyards 35 years old. Vintage manual. Vatting of bunches with stems in stainless steel tanks and a “bed” of white wine to not “blow out” the first bunches. 4-5 days of carbonic maceration, pressing and end of fermentation. Acknowledgements
    Guide Gourmet 92
    Always among the best of Spain in the two contests, the most prestigious wines young
    Success: healthy, ripe grapes since there is no breeding to “cover up” defects.
  • Rosé wine Luis Alegre – Luis Alegre Rosé 2019

    Produced by direct pressing of grapes Tempranillo and Viura. Using pressure-controlled is extracted from the flower. To optimize primary aromas and high expressiveness comes at the sacrifice of a low yield (mash 60%). Fermentation constant at a temperature of 16º.
  • Red wine Old

    Old Red Tempranillo Once a Booking is made in our winery is located in Labastida, historic village of the Rioja Alavesa, protected by the sierra de Cantabria, on the banks of the River Ebro, to 4 km from Haro. The winery has a surface area of 35.000 m2 (15.000 m2 built) with a capacity of elaboration and bottling of 50 millions of bottles a year. Currently available 20.000 bordeaux barrels of american and French oak, where lie calm the wines before bottling and subsequent aging in the bottle. The wine cellar of Marqués de Carrión has a capacity of 1 million of bottles dedicated to reserva and gran reserva. Old Vintage Tinto is a Rioja that goes well with the tapas, Italian food like pasta, vegetables, inlaid, cold cuts and grilled meats. Old Vintage red wine is also available for gifts, events and celebrations in format small bottle of 375 ml.
  • Red wine El Coto Crianza 2015

    DEVELOPMENT All the process is carried out with a rigorous control of the temperature of fermentation and maceration. It thus achieves a suitable balance between structure and balance. FOSTER Minimum 12 months in american oak barrels of 225 liters and 6 months in the bottle at least.
  • Rosé wine Muga

    Ring, Prado Enea and Torre Muga are among the best red wines of this country. Less well-known to the public is the excellent work carried out by the family Muga to when you develop your pink, one of the best that can be found in the D. O. Ca. Rioja: Flower of Muga Rosé 2017, mainly produced with grapes of garnacha. While the bodega Muga used for the red wines the garnachas grown in the foothills of the montes Obarenes, with a good ripening of the fruits by exposure to the sun, for the pink use bunches of garnacha from the hillside opposite, where a lower stroke allows for better freshness and preserve the fruit notes tangy and fresh, features of this Muga Rosado. The wine was fermented in small tanks made of wood and remained four months growing up with the fine lees and expanding its virtues. Elaboration After 12 hours of maceration, the wine ferments for 15-20 days in small containers of wood between 16- 18ºC. During 3 months maintain and work the fine sediments that magnify and enhance their virtues and organoleptic. Later we stabilized and cold filtered and bottled. Pairing with tartar of fish, ceviches, salads, folders, rice...
  • White wine Muga 2017

    The master of Bodegas Muga when working with oak is not just limited to the reds. Your white Muga 2017 it is an excellent example of the good work being done that has created school. Elaboration After approximately 8 hours of maceration in the press, this white wine is fermented in new barrels of French oak. After the fermentation remains with its lees during 3 months before being bottled. Pairing Perfect pairing for vegetable dishes, rice, seafood, tapas...
  • Red wine Bodega Otazu Vitral

    Bodega Otazu Vitral 2009 in individual box Bodega Otazu Vitral 2009 comes out to the market for the fourth time, after vintages 2004, 2005 and 2007. Has a very limited production, since it is only put on sale 900 bottles. It is made with a selection of the best grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon from the best parcels of the vineyards of Bodega Otazu. Vintage manual, separately, of each of the varieties and plots, with minimum temperature and maceration one week of cold pre-fermentation.
  • Vino tinto La Coartada Great Choice


    Red Premium developed by Eladio Piñeiro in his mansion-cellar of Alentejo

    After an intense search for five years, in 2004, we located a vineyard 35 years with very poor soils of slate, drop-offs and soft South exposure. Bringing more than eight in transition to biodynamic, in this period of time has been easy this transition, since the plant protection treatments to which it was subjected were almost non-existent. The vineyard is trellised, at a height of soil is relatively low, the pruning is done in Guyot double and its expansion vegetative is small, located on the northern boundary-the centre of the Alentejo, which has a very special microclimate, it is protected to the south-southeast, by the Serra da Ossa, to the north, for the Sierra de San Mamede and to the west by the Sierra of São Miguel.

  • Red Wine Seventh Great Booking

    Seventh Great Booking is the best exponent of the Seventh line. The best parcels, the best grapes, the greatest care. This wine defines the style of wines from the Winery Seventh: fresh, ripe fruit, complex and friendly. Seventh Gran Reserva is their best exponent in sor mark flag.
    After a meticulous selection of bunches in the vineyard and the grapes in the winery, the musts are macerated at low temperatures between 10 and 15 days, with a daily monitoring by means of tastings. The fermentation occurs in stainless steel tanks in the presence of selected yeasts during 10 days, maintaining the temperature controlled 28 °C. The maceration extends in total between 30 and 35 days. Once completed the wine is stored in barrels of French and american oak of first use, where it will be based 18 months in cellars with controlled temperature and humidity by keeping each lot separate throughout the production process. Finally, the blend end is defined by tastings and fractionated in bottles for a final break 6 months in storage. Came from “alchemy” which marks the style of the Seventh line in Premium wines.
    The harvest 2013 filed normal weather during the flowering. The little amount of water coming from the mountain caused a natural water stress in the province of Mendoza, effect that has been repeated in the last two years. Early frost in some areas of Mendoza affected the performance and, as a result, were wines of great quality and concentration. During the months of February, march and April, the weather surprised us once again with days and cool nights, delaying the harvest between 7 and 10 days. The wines obtained resulted with acidity levels higher, fresh aromas of intense , sweet tannins, soft and round, and high levels of anthocyanins, all special features for the guardian.The yield was 6.000 kg/ha in the variety Malbec, 8.000 kg/ha for Cabernet Sauvignon and 10.000 kg/ha for the Tannat. After determining the optimal time of harvest, the grapes are harvested by hand in boxes 20 kilos during the early hours of the morning.
    Ideal to accompany dishes complex, high-calorie, high. It is recommended to open half an hour before. Temperature of service: 14 to 16 °C.
  • Red Wine Seventh Malbec

    Seventh Malbec it's an argentinean red wine produced in the Wineries Seventh. It is the perfect balance between historical heritage, innovation and excellence in winemaking. Wine made 100% with the variety Malbec is a wine that is soft, warm and balanced. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) The grapes, harvested bines plastics 350 kg, they did the descobajado and a soft breaking of the grain to release all the juice inside. There, he led the must to the stainless steel tank, where she underwent a cold maceration between 8 and 10 °C for 5 days to achieve a delicate extraction of aromas and color. Then we proceeded to the planting of selected yeasts, giving origin to the start of the fermentation, it was controlled to a temperature of between 26 and 28 °C for 7 to 10 days. Daily were pumping over a very smooth way until the end of the fermentation. Finished this stage, the 100% the wine spent 6 months in contact with oak barrels of second use French and american. Once packaging, is estibó in a bottle 3 months. VINEYARD (VITICULTURE) The harvest began in the first fortnight of march, by collecting the clusters manually. It is a wine 100% Malbec is elaborated with grapes own from the district of Agrelo, Lujan de Cuyo. The precision farming practices in our vineyards allows to produce wines varietals that convey the maximum expression of the terroir. The ground, of zero tillage, it is very deep, of alluvial origin, with low contents of organic matter and excellent permeability. Is covered by grasses and legumes that provide nutrients and improve the structure, at the same time that it acts as a preventive control of early frost. The climate presents a great thermal amplitude that reaches the 15 degrees. With a balanced handling of the canopy is achieved to give a correct exposure of the bunches to the sun, to achieve an appropriate maturity not only of sugars, but in particular of polyphenols. Vines balanced, oriented in a system of trellis in cord bilateral, with an efficient control of drip irrigation resulting in optimal ripeness. The yield was 10.000 kg/ha.
    Seventh Malbec is ideal for accompanying red meats, hunting and prepared dishes.
  • Red wine Muga – Ring 2009

    Muga Aro 2009 it is made with a 70% Tempranillo and a 30% Graciano from vineyards selected of Bodegas Muga. The harvest 2009 it is characterized by very good, since it was cool Atlantic climate, factor that helped the grapes to mature slowly and progressive. The name wants to do homage to the wine capital of la rioja, Haro. The grape harvest was selected and meticulous to just get the grapes that were in perfect state of maturation. Once in the winery, the grapes were put in tanks of wood where maceraron and fermented for three weeks in a natural and spontaneous with indigenous yeasts and without temperature control. Subsequently, the red Rioja Muga Aro breeding in oak barrels, 18 months in new French oak and 6 months in deposits of oak, all of them self produced. Before bottling we made a slight clarification with egg white natural. Year after year, the critical wine-national and international give scores for Muga Aro very good. Awards 95 Parker points 95 points Guide Peñín
  • Red wine Muga – Prado Enea Gran Reserva 2010

    The large reserves are wines made to last for a long time, and icons of excellence. Prado Enea Gran Reserva 2010 it is made by Muga, with the last grapes enter the wine cellar to ensure an even ripening perfect, and it is born of a vintage exceptional: the 2010 (rated Excellent). Great aging potential. Elaboration Next to the grapes Torre Muga, the grapes for Prado Enea are always the last to enter the winery. With this we ensure an optimal maturity. The grape is fermented is always in tanks of oak 10.000 Kg. of capacity without temperature control or addition of yeasts. The maceration is variable but can last up to twenty days. The ageing of this wine is twelve months in deposits of oak 16.000 liters, thirty six months in oak barrels (minimum), and thirty six months (minimum) in the bottle. After the aging is performed by a light clarification with egg whites. Pairing This is a wine that can pair with stews, meats and even use it as a cup. Production 90.000 bottles Awards 97 by Robert Parker (The Wine Advocate) 94 by Guía Peñín de los wines of Spain
  • Red wine Muga – Muga Crianza Magnum 2014

    The Magnum of Muga Crianza 2014 it is a wine made with the varieties Tempranillo (70%), Grenache (20%), Mazuelo and Graciano (10%). Vinification and ageing Fermentation with yeast indigenous deposits of oak. Parenting during 24 months in casks made with oak trees selected in our cooperage. Prior to bottling is carried clarification with egg white fresh. Once bottled undergo a process of fine-tuned over twelve months in our cellar, as a minimum. Pairing Magnum Muga Crianza is a wine ideal for dishes of red meat, hunting, roasted, poultry, white meat, serrano ham and sausages, cured cheeses and blue cheeses.
  • Red wine Muga – Torremuga Booking

    Torre Muga it is a wine of extraordinary personality, closely linked to the philosophy of work and in family environment. Elaboration The fermentation always occurs naturally and spontaneously. The grape fermentará always in vessels of wood without temperature control with indigenous yeasts. The maceration is variable, but it can last up to two or three weeks. The total stay of this wine in oak is 24 months of which 18 are in new barrels of French oak and the rest in deposits of oak. After the aging is performed by a light clarification with egg white fresh. Awards 95 Parker points 94 points Guide Peñín
  • Red wine Muga – Aeneas Carbonic Maceration

    Bodegas Muga, that has achieved one of its best wines in its range with the came Aeneas, a young red wine made with the ancient method of carbonic maceration. Jorge Muga, the winemaker of the family saga has wanted to maintain the old traditions of Rioja in the development of the single young red wine made by the winery. In your wine making, carbonic maceration involves leaving the bunches of Tempranillo fermenten integers, without despalillar or crush. Despite being a very old technique in The Rioja, is growing the demand for these wines, craft, known on earth as harvesters wine or wines of the year, that is your optimum intake is recommended between the year and year following its harvest. They are fruity wines, with a freshness and some acidity, red and violet-very intense, long in the mouth due to the presence of soft tannins and glycerin.
  • Red wine Muga – Muga Booking

    Muga Booking 2012 it is a great classic Rioja made with an aging 6 months in american oak barrels and during 24 months in barrels of american and French oak. It ended with a rest in bottle for other 12 months. 3 years of very careful traditional process for a wine of reference in Rioja. This Muga is the best incarnation of the concept of a wine reservation in la Rioja, in the good sense, with force, with structure and with power and meatiness. When you open this bottle (and after letting it decant) you will discover well balanced wine, full-bodied with tannins fine-tuned. Its aromas are those who can delight in a wine that is so marked by the tradition of la Rioja: roasted, vanilla, red fruits, leather, and black pepper in other.
  • Red wine Muga – Muga Reserva Magnum

    Muga Reserva Magnum 2010 bodegas Muga is a red wine with DO Rioja based on the selection of mazuelo, graciano, garnacha and tempranillo 2010 (vintage rated as excellent) and whose alcoholic content is from the 14th. Pairing pork, cooked, lamb stews, rissottos.
  • Wine Flower of Muga Rosé

    Ring, Prado Enea and Torre Muga are among the best red wines of this country. Less well-known to the public is the excellent work carried out by the family Muga to when you develop your pink, one of the best that can be found in the D. O. Ca. Rioja: Flower of Muga Rosé 2017, mainly produced with grapes of garnacha. While the bodega Muga used for the red wines the garnachas grown in the foothills of the montes Obarenes, with a good ripening of the fruits by exposure to the sun, for the pink use bunches of garnacha from the hillside opposite, where a lower stroke allows for better freshness and preserve the fruit notes tangy and fresh, features of this Muga Rosado. The wine was fermented in small tanks made of wood and remained four months growing up with the fine lees and expanding its virtues. Elaboration After 12 hours of maceration, the wine ferments for 15-20 days in small containers of wood between 16- 18ºC. During 3 months maintain and work the fine sediments that magnify and enhance their virtues and organoleptic. Later we stabilized and cold filtered and bottled. Pairing with tartar of fish, ceviches, salads, folders, rice...
  • White Wine Viña Albina Reserva

    White Wine Viña Albina Reserva Selected wines of the best vintages. Representative of the classic wines of Rioja Alta. elaborated with grapes 80% Tempranillo, 15% Mazuelo, 5% Graciano from Cenicero, Sonsierra and Villalba de Rioja. Elaboration Classical vinification of grapes destemmed and pressed with long maceration and control fermentation. Foster Parenting 24 to 30 months in american oak barrels with the appropriate rackings. Aged in the bottle for a minimum of 12 months before marketing.  
  • Red wine Top of the Booth

    Viña Pomal Alto de la Caseta, unique wine from the best parcels of Bodegas Bilbaínas. Only produced in vintages of exceptional, bottles numbered and limited production. It is the maximum expression of the Tempranillo from the Rioja Alta. Color reye cherry dark, Viña Pomal Alto de la Caseta is a red wine Reserve elegant, complex and very aromatic. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION)
    De-stemming, with a lot of finesse to not break grains, a selection is made of the grain prior to vatting, eliminating all the plant parts and grains damaged. The fermentation is carried out in bocoyes oak 500 L open, using bazuqueos to improve the extraction. The aging in barrels lasts for 20 months (Reservation).
    The vineyards D. O. Ca. Rioja that surround the Top of the stand were planted in glass for more than 35 years old, on a hillside of south east facing. The soil of the vineyard is cascajoso, loose and structure poor. In this ideal environment for the grape and for the wine to gain complexity, we practice a viticulture integrated and sustainable to charge people with greater experience of the house.
    Red meat, cooked, cold meats and cheeses, perfectly matched with Viña Pomal Alto de la Caseta.
  • Red wine ecological Ezar – 714 Ezar Booking

    This wine has been subjected to a process of aging in barrels of French oak during a period of 18 months, after which has remained in the bottle to the highest level a minimum of 18 months more.
    100% ecological Pairing A good choice to accompany red meats, hunting of pen-and-roasted. Recommended for the consumption of braised meats or spicy. Perfect companion for stews, vegetables, inlaid, cecina, semi-mature cheeses, smoked fish, grilled vegetables, etc...  
  • Red wine – Royal Claret

    Performed the alcoholic fermentation and concluded, the deacidification malolactic fermentation the wine goes to the barrels of white oak (Ohio) medium toast. The aging of wine is interrupted every six months to make the traditional racking barrel to barrel. Raised in american oak barrels during 5 months.
    The Wine Royal Claret is perfect to accompany, rice, post, vegetables, vegetables, white meats or in sauce, red meat, semi-mature cheeses.
    • Recommended, International Wine Challenge, United Kingdom
    • Excellent quality/price, Wine & Spirits, United Kingdom
    • 83 points, Guía Peñin, Spain
    • Recommended, Decanter World Wine Awards 2009, United Kingdom
    • Recommended, Philipson & Soderberg , Sweden
    • 87 points, Wine Spectator, USA
  • Box of 6 bottles of wine Mencía Sácrima D. Or. Ribeira Sacra

    Sacrima pertenece a la D.O. Ribeira Sacra, specifically the subarea Amandi. It is a red wine 100% Mencia and having an output 60.000 bottles. Has a middle layer covered cherry red with violet reflection, clean and bright. It is a seductive wine, with varietal nose, clean and fruity, predominance of red fruit aromas with. Mineral nose. The taste is soft. Well combined and balanced, structure, reminds again red fruit aromas, persistent, with broad aftertaste.
  • Vino blanco Beronia Blanco Viura

    VINIFICATION AND AGEING Wine with a strong personality due to its production. Cold maceration of must in contact with the skins getting to extract the primary aromas from the variety.
    PAIRING Ideal to accompany salads and white fish in all their different elaborations, as well as white meat and little fat.
  • Red wine Marqués de Tomares – Monteleiva Crianz

    Veal, lamb, milk-fed veal, poultry.
  • Vino Tinto Yellow Tail Syrah – Australia

    The philosophy behind the brand Yellow Tail is to offer wines that are simple and aimed at anyone who wants to enjoy a glass of wine with friends without major complications. Shiraz is the variety most widespread in Australia, so this wine red wine is the maximum expression of Yellow Tail. Yellow Tail Shiraz is a wine that is intense without being excessive, very easy to drink even as young wine. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) The Shiraz from Yellow Tail is made from grapes from vineyards of the highest quality. Once pressed and being removed from their stems, the grapes are fermented with the skins and in contact with oak wood. Its temperature-controlled fermentation ensures extraction of all the flavor, the color and tannins typical of the variety. The wine is bottled in the cellars of the family Casella, in Yenda, New South Wales.
    Accompanying Yellow Tail Shiraz with a good steak or a bbq.
  • Vino Blanco Yellow Tail Chardonnay

    The philosophy behind the brand Yellow Tail is to offer wines simple oriented to those who wish to enjoy a glass of wine with friends without major complications. Yellow Tail Chardonnay it is a white wine and fresh style lightweight, agrafeasible, refreshing, perfect to eat between friends or to celebrate the small joys of life. This wine is for sale in 40 countries -occur 100 millions of liters of wine per year- it has become the fourth wine brand most important of the world and the second most sold in the united States. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) Yellow Tail Chardonnay is made with grapes from vineyards of the highest quality. The fruit is pressed gently to extract the maximum freshness and flavor. The fresh grape clarified is fermented using a selection of different yeast strains. This adds complexity and texture to the wine end. The maturation of the lees of yeast, the malolactic fermentation and oak is used to impart creamy flavors of nougat, add richness and balance the acidity.
    Ideal to accompany seafood dishes, fish, or desserts.
  • Vino Blanco Yellow Tail Moscato

    Yellow Tail Moscato this is a white wine vibrant, full of flavor and personality. Yellow Tail Moscato is made with grapes from the best vineyards. The fruit is harvested in the cool of the night, to retain the maximum freshness and flavor. Para to ensure the smoothness on the palate, is used the must flower with a light pressed. The wine was stabilized and filtered cold to preserve all of its aromas.
    The Moscato Yellow Tail is made from grapes from vineyards of the highest quality. The fruit is harvested in the cool of night to retain maximum freshness and flavor. The must is obtained by leaving it out and applying slight pressure to ensure maximum softness in the mouth. Once developed, the wine is stabilized and filtered in cold to maintain their rich aromas and their freshness. Then assembled and added to a concentrated juice of grape to reduce their alcohol content.
    Enjoy Yellow Tail Moscato well chilled, as aperitif and with salad in summer.
  • White wine Flore de Carme Albariño

    Preparation with a unique, Frore de Carme it is one of the albariños more exceptional. Its creator, Eladio Piñeiro, only produces this wine in the vintages that he considers. The wine is dense and full-bodied, with a good balance of fruit and alcohol, glyceric and with many nuances. All this supported by a great freshness and minerality. Their vines have an average age of more than 25 years old, bringing more of the five transition to biodynamics. The external image of Frore de Carme is as neat as its contents, highlighting the following aspects: • Label thermo-sensitive, that lets you know the optimal temperature of consumption. • Glass stopper airtight, tested in the united States and on the Rhine, that allows corkage manual. The system favors the evolution of wine, prevents oxidation and maintains the spectrum of floral and fruity Albariño, avoiding defects of cork and conjuring the contamination by TCA or anisoles. • Design of the bottle, which represents an amphora modern glass top quality. • Iconography, logos and bottle designed by Eladio Piñeiro and made by the artist Jaime Asensi. Awards 93 points guide Peñín
  • White wine Amodiño

    Amodiño Albariño it is a singular wine of slow fermentation whose subsequent aging is carried out with its own lees, with the of add earlier and the later. It is precisely this peculiarity which gives it a unique character and an evolution in the bottle, rich in nuances, through his long life. Under the warranty that offers a Designation of Origin Rias Baixas, the vineyards of this Amodiño Albariño are distributed in privileged areas within the varied orography of the Valley of the Salnés and Ribeira del Ulla. The harvest of the harvest of the year 2015 occurred during the last week of September and first of October, carrying out green pruning and a later selection in each plot as the clusters reached its maturity. After the selection of the clusters in the winery and subsequent maceration - a process that lasts between eight and ten hours - with the skins, its fermentation is spontaneous and takes place with their own indigenous yeasts at a low temperature and very long. It was aged on its fine lees, performing beating monthly in tank stainless for twelve months, to which he is joined by three months with the lees of the vintage previous (2014) and three with the rear (2016). Next, matured five months in cuba, and it was bottled under the iconography and the design of Eladio Piñeiro in December 2017. Your marketing begins already in march 2018. Piñeiro produces this Amodiño Albariño in their cellar Frore of Carme, space in which their wines acquire the exceptional conditions of soils of different zones of influence of the Estuary of Arousa. This 100% Albariño of skin maceration will provide any of your events a special touch and intense. As own of the galician land that is, a cup of Amodiño Albariño maridará perfectly with any tray of fresh seafood to happy lobster, mussels or crab, among other options. Also with fish such as cod, tuna or turbot will be an excellent idea, although for those that prefer to combine with meat products, it is recommended that you do with poultry. Also, pair with dishes with soft cheeses elaborated with milk of goat, with creamy risottos, or with pieces of sushi, for those of you that are regulars to the japanese food.
  • White wine Envidia Cochina Albariño

    Envidia Cochina - Tête de cuvée, occurs in soils with exceptional conditions, practicing a viticulture and the process of development unique. Our vineyards have an average age of more than 30 years old, carrying more than eight out of transition to the biodynamic. Packaging: Label that mimics a “clipping” of the press of an article on the Envy with a bullet, each add, the comic book bears the title the own brand of wine, creation of Eladio Piñeiro, design and realization Jaime Asensi. The vineyards are distributed in privileged areas within the varied orography of the Val do Salnés. The harvest of the harvest of the 2016 it was during the penultimate and last week of September. After the manual picking of the grapes in the vineyard and a further selection in the winery are macerated (8-10 hours), is done foot of cuba days before to assist the spontaneous fermentation with its own yeast, “wild”, fermented at a low temperature very long. After fermentation, of all the harvest, we selected the top of the vats of that vintage with more fruity (Tête de Cuvée). Have aging on its own fine lees from 6 months (performing beating weekly 3 first few months and monthly the 3 following), the blend final is the result of the assembly with a 15 % the add above (2015) intended to Frore of Carme (which, until that time, it was aged on its fine lees with beating monthly, during 1 year, more 3 months with the lees of the vintage following (2016), more other 3 months maturing in tank of stainless steel). Bottled, on day Flower, and started its marketing in the month of June 2017.
  • Albariño white wine Leiras

    In this white, produced in the Rias Baixas, to the Codorníu Group, you will find freshness, minerality and elegance, three qualities that define the wines in the subregion of Val do Salnés, from where come some of the best Albariños of the D. Or. Piles (farms in galician) it is a single variety of grape Albariño (100%). This wine pairs perfectly with fish, seafood, snacks, rice or pasta. Its structure allows also to accompany white meats or sausages.  
  • Red wine Edra Xtra Syrah

    Edra XtraSyrah 2014, variety of balanced year after year, with a freshness and ripe fruit as a response to the summer balanced 2014; powerful, with personality and smoothness at the same time. It offers intense and deep aromas of menthol because of the variety and toasted, roasted and chocolate black, due to the terroir and the sunny Hoya de Huesca in the foothills of the pyrenees. Silky and with a long and honest aftertaste. The rest in French oak and a little american,with batonagge with their own lies, given the maturity and golosidad necessary.
    Vintage grape own, selection of plot, vintage manual 8 September.
    Fermentation maceration in cold chamber, delestage open and closed.
    Malolactic barrel French.
    Aging ”batonnage” with the addition of the lees 12 months in French oak selection and American.
    Label the work of the artist Mª Pi Rivera

  • White wine Edra BlancoLuz

    ʱ??BlancoLuz", that makes lovers of white wine to have the pleasure at your fingertips. This vid, almost unknown in the vineyard Spanish, provides a wine, wine of good table, is made to the 100% with the variety Viognier white full-bodied with a texture that is too smooth. The attack evokes aromas of flowers very fine, as honeysuckle, rosemary and fresh fruits such as pineapple and apricot, evolving then to the pear sweet, and ending curiously enough in aromas intrísecos to our climate, as dried fruit and lightly toasted. It is also spicy and for its high maturity, fills the mouth of honey and sweet sensations. Perhaps the 2012 is the best add up to now, spectacular. There is a variety easy in your culture and has been crafted with care and maximum protection. Unknown in our area, for that reason it will be labeled as Table Wine. The vintage and the variety on the back. To move all the work done in the vineyard to your glass of wine, it is macerated in cold to extract all their treasures trapped in the skin of the grape and transferring them to the liquid gold, the must, with the care of a fermentation soft, are transformed into an explosion of sensory when it is about the wine to our senses. A small fraction is fermented in oak barrels, to achieve an unforgettable experience when you decide to try it. White fish and shellfish such as crab, lobster and scallops make their smoothness engolosine your mouth. The photo of the label, “Ne Timeas I”, it is the work of artist Mary Pi Rivera, huesca international recognition.
  • Red wine Vineyards of Aromaz – Aromaz

    Aromaz it is one of the last projects of the family Osborne-Osborne. Born in the heart of Castilla La Mancha, in the finca La Cañada, one of the most beautiful of the region. The grapes for the Aromaz come from a single payment called The Captain, the vineyard of the highest estate, with strains in the glass of more than 40 years resting on limestone based soils and stony. There the yields are very small and the quality very high, as certifies every sip of Aromaz. It is a red, fruity-packed with typicity and character. Of cover layer and cherry color, the spices and berries are dealt the role in a nose to be seductive. In the mouth it is kind and noble, of elegant touch and a good fruity. Juicy, balanced and long finish.  
  • Red wine Casa Maguila – Perhaps

    The Casa Maguila It has the habit of baptizing their wines with names boleros. This is particularly inspired by the famous song by Cuban artist Osvaldo Farrés "Perhaps, maybe, maybe". We have a wine balsamic on the nose and mouth, with aromas of ripe fruit and a balanced taste, tasty and long.
    Mechanical destemming and grape selection on vibrating belt. It encuba dry ice lowering the temperature to 6 ° C and allowed to start fermentation spontaneously. Malolactic fermentation in barrel.
    Parenting 20 months in French oak barrels, of which 80% They were new and the rest used.
    Limited production
    1.812 bottles
    White meat, red meat, traditional cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Red wine Casa Maguila – Cachito Mío

    Cachito mío is the name of a well-known bolero, is presented to the public with a striking and bold exterior presentation, it has been conceived as a wine of bold spirit and innovative within the D. O. Toro. Faithful representative of the character of your wine cellar, it is striking for its style, that expresses all the power and fruit of the grape Tinta de Toro, at the same time that it is very pleasant to drink, with an easy and at the same time complex step of mouth. . Elaboration Selection of bunches in the vineyard and in the winery, from old vineyards. Kernels of the harvest, with total elimination of scratches and other foreign elements. Vatting and fermentation with whole grains at a controlled temperature, finishing off with your drained and pressed at low pressure. Moderate stabilization and bottling.