Magnum 150 CL

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  • Sembro Magnum tinted wine

    It is a wine with a fruity character, that tries to express the primary characteristics of the Tempranillo variety from our own Farm. It is reinforced with a small step-by-wood is usually the 4 months. It is a fruity wine, sweet and juicy in the mouth, but at the same time cool, with a few sweet tannins, mature and that make it very nice, envelope and without hardness tannic.


    4 months in new barrels and one year French oak 300 liters.


    During 10 days at temperatures of 25 ° C.

    Time of Maceration

    7 days with their skins

  • Champagne Pommery Brut Royal

    Pommery Brut Royal it is vivacity, aromas of white fruits combined with small red fruits. A mixture in a champagne that emphasizes the Chardonnay grape, from 40 selected villages of the areas Côte des Blancs and Montagne de Reims, cuyo weather contributes to the liveliness and delicacy of the variety. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) The initial fermentation is maintained at a low temperature (16 ºC). Foaming is particularly slow in the wine cellar to 30 meters of depth and at very low temperature (10 ºC) to allow the formation of the bubbles, fine and elegant. In consistency with the style Pommery, the wine passes through different clarified and meticulous decantation to separate the lees of the wine. The liquor dosage, prepared only with white wines Grands Crus, it incorporates all the properties of the different wines that make up the blend of this champagne.
    Pommery Brut Royal can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night.
  • Cava Codorníu – Jaume Codorníu Magnum

    Cava brut Magnum Jaume Codorníu is a unique edition for quality cuisine. The vivacity, the freshness and fruitiness of the wine cellars Chardonnay of Anna is enriched with a nurturing of cava reserva, namely, of more than 15 monthss, that makes it the perfect accompaniment for our cuisine. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) We plan the optimum moment for harvest for each variety used in Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserve. After de-stemming and pressing of the grapes, we obtain the musts,which ferment at a temperature of between 15 C and 17 ºC. Once you have completed all the fermentation and stabilized the wine, performed the assembly and subsequent retractions following the traditional method, known as "method champenoise". The bottles pass to the underground cellars (at a temperature lower than 17 ºC) where takes place the second fermentation followed by a period of ageing. En total, the wine will spend a minimum of 15 months in the cellars, after which takes place the removed (decanting of the bottles to facilitate agglutination and subsequent elimination of sediment) and the disgorgement, time to remove the lees deposited after the second fermentation.Subsequently it is added to a quantity of expedition liqueur that determines the content of residual sugars of this cava brut. Finally, cover the bottle and definitely with a cork stopper.
    The grapes used for the production of Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserve come from two wine-making areas distinct. The variety Chardonnay comes from vineyards located in the region of more continental climate of the D. Or. Quarry, in Lleida, fact that favors an optimal concentration and gives it freshness and more capable of aging, as well as more body and greater intensity in the grape. Cropping systems follow the criteria of integrated production and are particularly adapted to the production of sparkling wine. The harvest takes place towards mid-August and is always carried out during the night, in order to keep the grapes as cool as possible and keep their aromas intact. Xarel lo varieties,The Macabeo and Parellada varieties come from vineyards selected by our teams of viticulture and oenology in the area of the Penedès, where these varieties show all its typicality: a good level of acidity, freshness and citrus aromas and floral.
    Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserva is a cava brut gastronomic, it is a good ally to accompany home to a menu: incoming, sautéed vegetables, Fish, seafood, meats stewed pearl, desserts... and many preparations more.
  • Cava Codorníu – Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Magnum

    The cava brut Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserve it is a unique edition to a selected gastronomy. The vivacity, the freshness and fruitiness of the wine cellars Chardonnay of Anna is enriched with a nurturing of cava reserva, namely, of more than 15 monthss, that makes it the perfect accompaniment for our cuisine. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION) We plan the optimum moment for harvest for each variety used in Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserve. After de-stemming and pressing of the grapes, we obtain the musts,which ferment at a temperature of between 15 C and 17 ºC. Once you have completed all the fermentation and stabilized the wine, performed the assembly and subsequent retractions following the traditional method, known as "method champenoise". The bottles pass to the underground cellars (at a temperature lower than 17 ºC) where takes place the second fermentation followed by a period of ageing. En total, the wine will spend a minimum of 15 months in the cellars, after which takes place the removed (decanting of the bottles to facilitate agglutination and subsequent elimination of sediment) and the disgorgement, time to remove the lees deposited after the second fermentation.Subsequently it is added to a quantity of expedition liqueur that determines the content of residual sugars of this cava brut. Finally, cover the bottle and definitely with a cork stopper.
    The grapes used for the production of Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserve come from two wine-making areas distinct. The variety Chardonnay comes from vineyards located in the region of more continental climate of the D. Or. Quarry, in Lleida, fact that favors an optimal concentration and gives it freshness and more capable of aging, as well as more body and greater intensity in the grape. Cropping systems follow the criteria of integrated production and are particularly adapted to the production of sparkling wine. The harvest takes place towards mid-August and is always carried out during the night, in order to keep the grapes as cool as possible and keep their aromas intact. Xarel lo varieties,The Macabeo and Parellada varieties come from vineyards selected by our teams of viticulture and oenology in the area of the Penedès, where these varieties show all its typicality: a good level of acidity, freshness and citrus aromas and floral.
    Anna de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs Reserva is a cava brut gastronomic, it is a good ally to accompany home to a menu: incoming, sautéed vegetables, Fish, seafood, meats stewed pearl, desserts... and many preparations more.
  • White wine Envy Cochina Albariño Magnum

    Envidia Cochina - Tête de cuvée, occurs in soils with exceptional conditions, practicing a viticulture and the process of development unique. Our vineyards have an average age of more than 30 years old, carrying more than eight out of transition to the biodynamic. Packaging: Label that mimics a “clipping” of the press of an article on the Envy with a bullet, each add, the comic book bears the title the own brand of wine, creation of Eladio Piñeiro, design and realization Jaime Asensi. The vineyards are distributed in privileged areas within the varied orography of the Val do Salnés. The harvest of the harvest of the 2016 it was during the penultimate and last week of September. After the manual picking of the grapes in the vineyard and a further selection in the winery are macerated (8-10 hours), is done foot of cuba days before to assist the spontaneous fermentation with its own yeast, “wild”, fermented at a low temperature very long. After fermentation, of all the harvest, we selected the top of the vats of that vintage with more fruity (Tête de Cuvée). Have aging on its own fine lees from 6 months (performing beating weekly 3 first few months and monthly the 3 following), the blend final is the result of the assembly with a 15 % the add above (2015) intended to Frore of Carme (which, until that time, it was aged on its fine lees with beating monthly, during 1 year, more 3 months with the lees of the vintage following (2016), more other 3 months maturing in tank of stainless steel). Bottled, on day Flower, and started its marketing in the month of June 2017.
  • Albariño / Rias Baixas: Fillaboa Magnum in cardboard case

    Wine from the 70 hectares of vineyards of Fillaboa. This vintage is characterized by a long ripening period with start of the harvest by mid-September which resulted in a very concentrated must.

    FILLABOA 2017

    This wine comes from the historic Farm Fillaboa, of a vineyard 74 acres nestling in undulating slopes that linda, in its southern part, with the rivers Tea and Miño, a natural border with Portugal. 8 payments Fillaboa are part of the ‘blend’, the most representative and best quality of grapes including the part of the High Mountain that goes to the wine Fillaboa Selection of high-end. The soil texture is sandy-loam with pebbles and the age of the vineyard varies between 13 and 25 years old. The harvest 2017 it was more dry than the previous year, the spring came early and the plant began sprouting in early April, the growth was favoured by the temperature and lack of rain. In the summer, a drought inappropriate for this area triggered an advancement of maturation. The harvest began the 30 August, something unusual in the area
  • Red wine Grullas de Paso Magnum

    In the municipality of La Hoya (Huesca),small winery Bodegas Edra made with IGP Ribera del Gallego - Cinco Villas, the wine Edra Grullas Paso, a red wine oak own vineyards located in the Pre-Pyrenees of Aragon. The blend is still a selection of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo and Garnacha. Activities in the vineyard always develop in a respectful way with the environment, doing all the work manually without using chemicals or aggressive elements. The vineyards are surrounded by fields of legumes and alfalfa. Selected grapes are separately vinifica fermentations in stainless steel at a controlled temperature and delestages newspapers to extract maximum pigmentation and phenolic components of the skins. Red wine Edra Grullas Paso 2016 Ribera del Gallego makes raising 4 months in barrels of French and American oak which are made "batonnage" with addition of lees. the blend is made and bottled. The name of this wine, Step cranes, He wants to remember the presence in the vineyards of these migratory birds when they take a short break before resuming forces on their journey from north to south.
  • Red wine César Príncipe Magnum in individual wooden box

    Caesar Prince the Duke was the father of Ignacio, it seems that outside of the nobility and the really nobility had. I used to say "a long title and low pay". He was a man austere but full of values, deep values that give the roots, the work and the love for his own. He never stopped working, all the days of his life went out into the field, always pending, always in their things. Today we have this wine thanks to his work in the vineyards, to improve and maintain the vineyards, to suffer the vintages, your unconditional support. Caesar Prince is more than a brand, it is our badge and our responsibility. Make the wines your best is not enough, also have to transmit our history, our values, for the enjoyment of all and for the generations to come will get them this lesson, it will be his best legacy. Is the wine most recognized winery and one of the first wines of the Appellation of Origin Cigales in being present in the letters of the most prestigious restaurants. It is made with grapes from vineyards of between 70 and 100 years old, of the plots The Black, The Stop, The Sheepfold and The Sailboat, located on hillside with little slope. Although the vineyards there are other varieties, only be harvested for Caesar Prince the strains of the Tempranillo variety, with very low yields. The soils are composed of clay and sand in-depth, with a lot of pebbles on the surface. After 14 months of ageing in oak barrels, the result is an elegant wine, fine and subtle. Awards 93 points guide Peñín
  • Red wine Caesar Prince – 13 Nicholas Magnum pitchers

    He took out his pocket knife, where he lived since his father gave it as a child, and she recorded "I must 13 Nicolas pitchers' on the mud wall at the entrance of the armhole that belonged to his brother. It was the cellar of his grandparents, they remember. Debt wine was to fill the tino, fleeing oxidation, Common favors between neighbors and relatives because the survival was a matter of all. It seems that the debt is not paid off and today we take also advantage. Was honored not collect it for the many favors exchanged and honor also not delete, that said favors not forget. Also honor and remember what we do here. 13 Nicolas Cántaros It is a wine that speaks of our history, the old cellar dug into the rock on the slopes of Fuensaldaña, where Grandpa Eutychius began producing his first wines in bulk. He used the limestone walls of the cellar to bring your own accounting, the 'should' and 'have'. This wine is a tribute to his legacy, to the traditions of Fuensaldaña and Cigales. Comes a selection of Tempranillo vineyards located exclusively in Fuensaldaña and remains 8 months in oak barrels. It is a fruity wine cooler and Prince Caesar, designed to enjoy as you would grandfather, a snack with friends. Those priceless moments that gives the wine.
  • Red wine Bodegas Leda – Leda Viñas Viejas Magnum

    Leda Viñas Viejas it is the wine which embodies the principles of Bodegas Leda. A red wine multiterroir made from grapes from Tempranillo vines 70 and 100 years old, with low yields between 2.000 and 2.500 Kg/Ha, from two of the most emblematic areas of Castile and León: Ribera del Duero and Toro.

    Leda Viñas Viejas is the flagship of the winery, with a production that varies depending on the quality of the vintage, between 2.000 and 12.000 bottles.

    100% Tempranillo. Leda Viñas Viejas is a wine of guard powerful racial and, with an ageing long 18 to 24 months, depending on the vintage.

    Meats white or red, casseroles, soups and stews.
  • Red wine Bodegas Leda – Mas by Leda Magnum 2016

    Most of Leda it is the result of the integration of different payments Tempranillo, from vineyards of more 40 years old, with yields between 4.00 and 4.500 Kg/Ha.

    It is a wine Multiterroir, elegant and easy to drink, that seeks to capture the essence of the area from which it comes, mostly Bull, Cigales, Valtiendas and Tudela de Duero.

    It seeks to express the versatility of the tempranillo variety in the different regions around the Douro river, looking for create a wine authentic and with personality.

    From selected vineyards in which it intervenes minimally, Most of Leda 2013 transmitted to the perfection that was this add, with mild temperatures and even fresh during the spring and summer, something unusual in the area. A vintage atypical that gives rise to a wine atypical, it displays fine, fresh, with great aging potential and an essence genuinely atlantic.
    After the collection of the grape begins the process of draining, pressing and fermentation. The grape juice is macerated with the skin and seeds in large metal vats.
    14 months in oak barrels, 90% French (Allier, Nevers and Joupillers) and 10% American.


    Barbecues, tapas fusion, white meats with sauces complex.
  • White wine Javier Sanz Viticulturist – Javier Sanz Verdejo Magnum

    Viticulture Verdejo grapes from which the wine is produced come from our oldest vineyards in La Seca. They are the result of the personal selection of Javier Sanz. Is about 45 ha ha over 40 years of age. The floor where these vineyards is composed of a surface and subsurface pebble clayey, factors that give the wine a touch mineral. The climate is continental with very cold winters, rains during spring and autumn and summers with very high daytime temperatures and drops of up to 20ºC at night. This causes marked continentalidad grapes retain their acidity and aromatic compounds which develop during the day.
    Elaboration Vintage is nocturnal mechanical and is carried out with integrated despalilladora at its ripest. During the fermentation process a rigorous temperature control is followed in order to preserve the maximum flavor characteristics of this wine. Criomaceración, clarified wort gravity for one day. Fermentation at a lower temperature 15ºC; in stainless steel. slow fermentation to preserve maximum fruit aromas. Bred with its lees for months before bottling.
    It's great to enjoy it as an aperitif or with seafood, salted fish, ceviche, sashimi, etc. Combined with delicate flavors and slightly spicy white fish.
  • Damana Crianza Magnum red wine

    Production 60.000 bottles. Elaboration Destemmed and maceration at controlled temperature. Alcoholic fermentation and malolactic in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature. Foster He remained 12 months in French oak barrels (80%) and american (20%).
  • Red wine Damana 5 2017 Magnum

    250.000 bottles
    Destemmed and maceration at controlled temperature. Alcoholic fermentation and malolactic in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature.
    He remained 5 months in oak barrels.
    91 points Peñin guide
  • Red wine Legaris – Legaris Crianza Magnum

    The total time of aging in barrels of Legaris Crianza it has been 12 months and this has been carried out in different tonelerías, half French oak and half american oak, a 25% of new barrel. The special feature of the wine red wine Legaris proceeds of the vineyard and its modern vine-growing techniques that assist in the excellent care of the grapes avoiding unnecessary treatments.
    The grape is transferred quickly to the winery to maintain its qualities. After de-stemming, the grape reaches virtually the whole of the deposits of stainless steel, drafted separately the different origins of the grapes. We do a cold pre-fermentation maceration (10 ºC) during 3-4 days in order to extract aromas and colour and then let it gradually increase the temperature. The wines start the alcoholic fermentation and natural way to express the typicality of our different terroirs of the D. Or. Ribera del Duero made with their own indigenous yeasts. Fermentation temperatures range between 26 and 28 ° c. The devatting or drawing off is performed between 14-16 days from the vatting. Parenting media in the barrel has been 12 months in bordeaux barrels, selected in a ratio of 50% French oak of fine grain and 50% american oak, in both cases, with a 20% of new barrels. In order to increase the complexity of our Legaris Crianza, in blend end of this harvest has involved a total of 22 tonelerías. This red wine has not been stabilized by cold, so that for their production of natural might present sediment. To fine-tune the wine was a soft clarification with egg white and started bottling in August 2016.
    The grape varieties with which we have produced this wine have been Fine Red (Tempranillo) 90% and Cabernet Sauvignon 10%. In our Legaris Crianza we want to express the uniqueness and complexity of the Ribera del Duero, for which we selected different vineyards in various geographical areas: - Pesquera de Duero, Valbuena de Duero, Manzanillo, Melida and Peñafiel in the province of Valladolid, with altitudes understood between the 750 and the 880 meters, the predominant soils are lighter that give rise to wines that are more aromatic. - Roa, The Horra, Hontoria Part, Valdeande, Villalbilla de Gumiel, Fuentenebro, Boada de Roa, Moradillo de Roa, Olmedillo de Roa in the Burgos province, with altitudes understood between the 810 and the 970 meters, where the soils are clayey-calcareous, and provide structure and power to our wines. Also we count with own vineyards (93 You) in the farms of Curiel de Duero (Valladolid) and San Martín de Rubiales (Burgos), whose vineyards began to be planted in 1999 and currently follow a system of cultivation of Double Cord Royal, in which we make sustainable viticulture with plant cover. In this vintage 2014 we started to harvest the Tinto Fino the 27 of September and ended the 8 October. The Cabernet Sauvignon the same the 20 October. The first frost came during the month of October, at the end of the cycle. With regard to the temperatures, we can talk about a mild winter. At the start of the spring, the temperatures were remarkably high, this accelerated 10 days the sprouting of the vineyard. It was not until the second half of August so that the maximum temperatures were the own of this time. Although it really noticeable in terms of the temperatures of this cycle has occurred during the months of September and October, in which the temperatures were far superior to the usual, being the constant and hot sunny days, what said finally the maturation of the fruit. The rainfall of this vintage has been lower than expected.
    Legaris Crianza mariza perfectly with lamb, dishes, meat stews, semi-mature cheeses.
  • Chafandín Magnum red wine

    It is a wine exclusively from grapes from the Payment of Chafandín, 100% Tempranillo (Tinto Fino) and whose vineyard has an approximate age of 40 years old. It is grapes of extraordinary, small diameter, with a skin of greater thickness which gives the greater concentration in the maceration. The Malolactic is done in barrel new French oak of 300 liters, and then the wine stays in ageing in the same barrels during the time that it is deemed appropriate ( according to the add ) and that is usually between 16 and 21 months.


    Malolactic in French oak barrels 300 liters and parenting 21 months in new barrels and one year French oak 300 liters.


    During 12 days at a temperature of 26ºC.

    Time of Maceration

    17 days with their skins

  • Red wine Viñas del Jaro – Jaros Magnum

    This is our Estate wine as it comes from the grapes of several payments, and shows the general nature of the set of all of them. The different wines are assembled after aging in barrel new and second year, that is usually the 15 months. The main variety used is Tempranillo, with smaller contributions of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. On the nose it develops aromas of frutillos of the forest on nuances of balsamic and menthol, with spicy notes and fine woods. The palate is broad, balanced and with a persistent aftertaste very fruity and mineral character by retronasal.


    17 months in new barrels and one year French oak 300 liters.


    During 12 days at a temperature of 26ºC.

    Time of Maceration

    14 days with their skins.

  • Sembro Magnum tinted wine

    It is a wine with a fruity character, that tries to express the primary characteristics of the Tempranillo variety from our own Farm. It is reinforced with a small step-by-wood is usually the 4 months. It is a fruity wine, sweet and juicy in the mouth, but at the same time cool, with a few sweet tannins, mature and that make it very nice, envelope and without hardness tannic.


    4 months in new barrels and one year French oak 300 liters.


    During 10 days at temperatures of 25 ° C.

    Time of Maceration

    7 days with their skins

  • US vino tinto great Murua 2017

    Expressive and personal, VS it is the last blend created by Bodegas Murua. The winery continues its philosophy of Rioja purely craftsman, but looking, at the same time, a modern style that inspires a wine full of freshness and fruit undertones.

    The VS de Murua is a wine that is velvety, that illustrates very well the balanced blend of the fruit of our grapes in the aroma of mount alava minty and floral.

    Foster of 16 months in French oak barrels (30%) and american (70%).    
  • Red wine Valenciso Reserva 2011 Magnum

    Valenciso produces a single red wine, always booking and always elegant. Refined, sophisticated and versatile, always set according to both the palates classics such as modern about its extraordinary qualities. On the nose it shows aromas of spice and fruit, a great complexity that reaches to grow in the cup from a timid openness. Good balance between fruit and wood, with volume aromatic. Pairing
    Sticky rice with mushrooms and pork ribs, loin of iberian pork with caramelized, lentils stewed with chorizo sausage and vegetables.
    92 points guide Parker
    92 points James Suckling
  • Red wine Bodegas Baigorri – Baigorri Reserva 2008 Magnum

    Red wine elaborated with grapes of the variety Tempranillo. Only used vines are considered old, with reduced production. Macerations long in stainless steel tanks and in tinos wood. Stirred natural gravity. Malolactic fermentation and 18 months aging in new French oak barrels. Pairing Great expressiveness with game meats, roast lamb, pig, birds and dishes of high cuisine.              
  • Red wine Bodegas Baigorri – Baigorri Crianza Magnum

    Red wine elaborated with grapes of the variety Tempranillo, Grenache and other small proportions of other indigenous grapes. All have been hand-selected, using selection tables for vibration and weight. Long macerations and fermentations intercellular deposits special. 14 months aging in barrels of French and american oak. Pairing It is a wine ideal for any type of cooked, seasonal vegetables, white meat and hunting light, rice and tapas in general.        
  • Viña Pomal Reserva Magnum

    Viña Pomal Centenario was created to commemorate the 100 years of the foundation of the company Bodegas Bilbaínas. A red wine that sums up a century of the history of wine in la rioja. If with the add 2011 Viña Pomal Centenario Reserva won a Gold Medal at Mundus Vini, the harvest 2012 maintains the quality and the elegance that so much fame have been given to one of the riojas essential. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION)
    Viña Pomal Centenario is made from a selection of parcels from our vineyards D. O. Ca. Rioja. Fermentation 28 ° C and a maceration total 3 weeks. Are breeding during 18 months in american oak barrels, a 20% new. At this time, the rackings allow us to go into clearing by natural decantation the wine. After its passage through the barrel, this red wine remains two years in bottle before release onto the market.
    The finca Viña Pomal is made by 90 hectares of vineyard D. O. Ca. Rioja. Nestled in the municipality of Haro and less than 2 kilometres of the winery, located in one of the most beautiful areas of the city; through them we can enjoy the passage of the river Ebro through the conchas of Haro. Combine on our farm different ecosystems in function of the variability of the soil and the sun exposure, what that translates to in a comprehensive selection of homogeneous areas. The viticulture is applied arises from a mixture between traditional rioja and the precision, resulting in a growing commitment to innovation in order to protect the nature, always under the parameters of maximum quality.
    Ideal to accompany dishes such as rice with meat, grilled vegetables, cold cuts and cured cheeses.
  • Red wine – Viña Pomal Centenario Crianza Magnum

    Viña Pomal Centenario Crianza is a wine special, commemorative of the centenary of the brand. A perfect balance between the classic nature of a red crianza from Rioja, and a presence of fruit more noticeable. DEVELOPMENT (VINIFICATION)
    Viña Pomal Centenario Crianza is characterized by a vinification traditional: after de-stemming and crushing takes place the alcoholic fermentation. Maceration total is two weeks, looking for a structure of wines, soft, pleasant and with great intensity of fruit. Twelve months in american oak barrels (15% new) we bring the complexity and the maturity necessary to complete the expression of this red wine Reserve.
    The finca Viña Pomal is made by 90 hectares of vineyards. Nestled in the municipality of Haro and less than 2 kilometres of the winery, located in one of the most beautiful areas of the city; through them we can enjoy the passage of the river Ebro through the conchas of Haro. Combine on our farm D. O. Ca. Rioja the different ecosystems in function of the variability of the soil and the sun exposure, what that translates to in a comprehensive selection of homogeneous areas. The viticulture is applied arises from a mixture between traditional rioja and the precision, resulting in a growing commitment to innovation in order to protect the nature, always under the parameters of maximum quality. The work of our own vineyards, we add a demanding grape selection of our suppliers of Rioja Alta.
    Viña Pomal Centenario Crianza harmonizes perfectly with light dishes such as rice dishes, cheeses, pates, stews, vegetables, fish... in addition to the typical dishes that combine traditionally with the aged red wines.
  • Scala Dei Prior Magnum tinted wine

    Scala Dei Prior is a wine with personality, that breathes tradition and authenticity, since that allows to know better the richness of the D. O. Q. Priorat. It is elaborated with grapes from different small plots, carefully selected. This care durantand all the processing result to a Crianza wine is well structured and full of aromas that will transport you to the vineyards of the Priorat.
    After defining the vineyards that are going to go for this wine, the grapes previously selected in the estates arrive at the winery in small boxes 16 kg, where all the grapes is reviewed thoroughly by the warehouse staff as they pass through the selection table, vibratory installed at the entrance of the winery. After de-stemming and crushing, fermented at controlled temperature to preserve the aromas of ripe fruit. Later, the breeding takes place in barrels (French oak 80% and american 20%) during a year. This type of ageing is completed in bottle for more than a year for the wine to reach the market in optimal time of consumption.
    Grapes from varieties of historical of the area and of the vineyards older (between 35 and 60 years old), planted on the terraces and in the typical “costers” licorella from Priorat. The terrain, the driving of the plants and above all, the desire to obtain the best grapes, makes the grape harvest is done manually only. The vineyards are situated between the 500 and the 800 meters of altitude, which favours the maturation is slow and regular and enables a variety of shades to combine heights and different orientations of the vineyards. All this makes this wine unique.
  • White wine Mas d'en Blei – Clos Martina Magnum

    PRODUCTION 4.000 bottles.
    VITICULTURE Grapes are produced only of the finca Mas d'en Blei. Vineyards on terraces of slate (licorella). Vintage hand. Selection in table. Development separated by varieties.

    VINIFICATION Pre-maceration in cold during 24 hours. Pressing to racking to a tub where it is kept other 24h. Fermentation in new French oak barrels (Q. Petrea) of 300 liters, fine grain and medium toast light. Parenting 6 months with lees and "battonage" journal. Stabilization in cold, the natural way (seasonal), not induced. Bottled: 1 year in the bottle.


  • Red wine – Arnau Oller, Selection of the Magnum family

    6.446 bottles
    Fermentation of 10 days at 22 ° c with llevaduras own Farm. Maceration of 15 to 30 days with two pumping over daily. Not used press.
    Boots new oak French d'allier, Tronçais, and Nevers of 300 litres for twelve months. Subsequent aging in bottle in the cellar for a minimum of twelve months. Natural cork stopper in the country.
  • White wine Celler Credo – Aloers Magnum

    It was called ‘Aloers’ to the farmers of the Middle Ages who were the owners of the land that they cultivated. The aloers were free of any provision or census.
    The white wine Aloers come exclusively from the family vineyards of the Pedra Blanca, located in the comarca of the Alt Penedès (Barcelona) and cultivated following the principles of organic farming and biodynamic.
    We work the vineyards, leaving to grow a ground cover spontaneous, important to fluff up the soil and regulate the retention and the drainage of water in a rainfed cropping as we practice.This cover is essential to promote biodiversity and balance in the ecosystem of the vineyard, where we apply treatments with medicinal plants (phytotherapy) to control the presence of fungus and strengthen the strains of a totally natural way.
    The grape harvest at Celler Credo is carried out by hand to ensure the excellent quality of the clusters.
    Aloers provides the freshest and most genuine expression of the Mediterranean variety Xarel lo grown in calcareous soils.. It is a wine of great vitality and a long journey in a bottle.
    Produced from the maceration for a few hours with the stalks and to work with the lees during the time of approximately a month and a half. The fermentation takes place with yeast own from the vineyards of Celler Credo.
    Aloers look for the maximum expression of the terroir and, therefore, you can present natural sediments the result of a minimal intervention. The vinification and the bottling are done in our property.
  • White wine Flight of the soul by Raimat Magnum

    Vol d Ànima, formerly known as Ànima de Raimat, it is the culmination of our first 100 years of history. The tiles that dress up your tag are the same that look in the walls of the castle of Raimat from 1935, after the reform carried out by the architect Rafael Masó. This creation represents the soul of Raimat: a young red wine, modern, fresh, medium-bodied, with notes of cocoa, developed with the 3 red varieties that best express the terroir cellar: Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo and Syrah.
    It starts with a grape harvest at night to preserve the primary aromas of the fruit. When the grapes reach the cellar, is cooled to a temperature of 15 ºC. A part of the grape is vinifica looking for a profile of the wine more fruity and fresh. Is achieved by keeping the temperature low for 24-48h and fermenting later 25 ºC. The other part of the grape is fermented at a higher temperature for greater texture and complexity in the wine. These two styles came together we offer a young red wine, modern, with lots of fruit and structure in the mouth.
    Vol d Ànima de Raimat Red wine can accompany well to dishes of hunting, mushrooms, meats and legumes, as well as sausages and rice. It is a wine that is very versatile.
  • Red wine – Luis Alegre Crianza Magnum

    Luis Alegre Crianza It born from grapes from vineyards of an average age of 30 years old. These are found on farms of soil clay and limestone to about 500 meters of altitude. Following a process of manual harvest, the beans macerated and fermented for about 15 days. Once the malolactic fermentation, Luis Alegre Crianza is transferred into American oak barrels and French. In the same is made the foster, that continues for about 14 months. The barrels are new and second -, third and fourth year. The 80% of these are of american oak and 20% remaining French oak. Luis Alegre Crianza finally rests a year in bottle before release for sale.
  • Red wine Luis Alegre – Finca La Reñana Special Selection Magnum 2014

    Grapes from the vineyard Finca La Reñana. Their limestone soils provide elegance, high minerality and depth with a high potential to save. Vintage manual boxes 15 kg. Selection table. Raised during 16 months in new oak barrels from the best forests of France with a touch of american oak, that provides structure and aromatic complexity. Rests in bottle a minimum of 18 months. Acknowledgements
    Guia Vinos Gourmets 2019: 95 points
    Peñín 91
    Tim Atkin 90
    Wine Advocate/Parker 90
    Jancis Robinson 16.5
    Gourmets guide 95
  • Red wine Tandem – Spot Great

    Macula In Latin, stain or sin, tâche in French, which we interpret as memories, or sensations indelible. Macula is the small central part of the retina that lets us see with clarity. Macula is a wine powerful, concentrate, male and long. Winemaking The grapes enter the winery by gravity. Cold maceration pre-fermentation at a controlled temperature of 30 – 32 ºC. Fermentamos without pumps, we do pigeage or immersion of the hat (pigeage) with the objective of obtaining fine tannins and elegant. The wines are trasiegan by gravity to depóstios of concrete underground that will complete the fermentation malolácica. Wines finished, it is stored in concrete during a mínimop of 24 months cleanses and completing a clarification and stabilization of natural. Bottled by gravity with minimal filtration. Aging Minimum 24 months in concrete and 26 months in French oak barrels 300 liters Awards 2004 - Gold medal-Sommellier Wine Awards, 91 points Mike Potashnik, 91 points Richard Jennings, 91 points Guide Proensa, 18/20 John Radford Wine Wire, Guide Phaneuf 4 stars 2005 - Gold Medal Prague Wine Trophy 2013, Champion 2014 2006 - 91 puntos ROBERT PARKER Wine Advocate, Gold Medal Mundus Vini 2015, 91 points STEPHEN TANZER 2010 - 91 puntos Vinous Antonio Galloni
  • Red wine Tandem – Ars Nova Magnum

    Ars Nova New art in Latin, very consistent with the philosophy of this wine. Ars Nova is a musical movement of the FOURTEENTH Century which marked the arrival of the volume to the music. Until that time, the music was flat, monochrome. This new way of making music was more complex, marked by harmony and rhythm. It was the birth of polyphony. The music is composed from this time was called the ars nova, and the previous music is called the ars antiqua. It has been compared with the arrival of the perspective to the painting which occurred in the same time. Ars Nova is an elegant wine, female, multi-layer, a wine for reflection and enjoyment. Winemaking Temperature of fermentation 30 ºC extraction slow with pigeage, we do not use pumps in fermentation. Racking by gravity to concrete. Malolactic fermentation and natural clarification by decanting into concrete tanks. Not stabilized in cold or clarifies. Aging Minimum 24 months in concrete tanks 9 months in French oak barrels 300 liters. Press 2003 - Chosen in a blind tasting for the business class of KLM 2005 - 17/20 John Radford Wine Wire, 92 pts Ray Jordan West Weekend Magazine, Perth, GOLD Sommelier Wine Awards 2008 - 90 points STEPHEN TANZER International Wine Cellar 2010 - GOLD Medal MUNDUS VINI 2015, 91 points STEPHEN TANZER 2012 - 91 puntos Vinous Antonio Galloni
  • Red wine Josep Grau – L’ Effect Flying Vineyards Unique Magnum

    THE VINEYARD AND VITICULTURE: Grapes that come from the farms surrounding the winery in Marca and farms in the municipality of Serra d Almos. The age of the vines is between the 15 and the 35 years old. Organic farming. The work is carried out 100% manually. VINIFICATION: Vintage in boxes 10 kg and immediate transportation to the winery, where you enter, keeping a part from the stems, in deposits of cement 17.700 liters. Indigenous yeasts and without added. Fermentation at low temperature to protect the fruit. Aging in the same deposits of cement for a period of 6 months.
  • Red wine Josep Grau – Quote From Old Vines Magnum 2016

    THE VINEYARD AND VITICULTURE: Farms of between 50 and 70 years of the towns of Marçà, Falset and Capçanes. Soils of various compositions, mostly stony, clayey and calcareous. Organic cultivation. All the work is carried out manually. Vintage in boxes 10 kg. VINIFICATION: Indigenous yeasts and fermentation in tanks of cement. aging foudres of 2.000 liter capacity for a period of 9 months.
  • Red wine Muga – Muga Crianza Magnum 2014

    The Magnum of Muga Crianza 2014 it is a wine made with the varieties Tempranillo (70%), Grenache (20%), Mazuelo and Graciano (10%). Vinification and ageing Fermentation with yeast indigenous deposits of oak. Parenting during 24 months in casks made with oak trees selected in our cooperage. Prior to bottling is carried clarification with egg white fresh. Once bottled undergo a process of fine-tuned over twelve months in our cellar, as a minimum. Pairing Magnum Muga Crianza is a wine ideal for dishes of red meat, hunting, roasted, poultry, white meat, serrano ham and sausages, cured cheeses and blue cheeses.
  • Red wine Muga – Muga Reserva Magnum

    Muga Reserva Magnum 2010 bodegas Muga is a red wine with DO Rioja based on the selection of mazuelo, graciano, garnacha and tempranillo 2010 (vintage rated as excellent) and whose alcoholic content is from the 14th. Pairing pork, cooked, lamb stews, rissottos.
  • Moral Roble Magnum Vino Bancales- Bodegas Roandi

    Magnum wine Terraces Oak Cellars Roandi The wine more expressive of Wineries Roandi, born of a combination perfectly assembled of varieties of indigenous grapes, galician, as are the MENCÍA, the SOUSÓN and the ALBARELLO. Come from our own vineyards, planted in terraces, of which it takes its name, in a field dominated by the slate slabs and the xistos. After the manual selection of the grapes, the processing is done in stainless steel tanks, then going on to a aging in barrels of French Oak 5 months. After a period of resting in bottle, comes out to the market to show all its splendor. Awards
    1. First prize in the wine Tasting Jury of the XIX Feira do Wine of Valdeorras
    2. Silver medal and Gold in the Guide of Wines, Distillates from Galicia 2014, 2016
    3. Third position in the ranking of plurivarietales barrel by the magazine HG&T 2015
    4. Gallaecia Distinction 2012. Best Red wines of Galicia
    5. 89 Points Guide Peñín 2015, 2016, 2017
    6. Honorable mention awards MONKEY WINE 2017
    7. Silver medal Contest TOPWINE 2017
  • Champagne Perrier Jouët Grand Brut Magnum

    GRAND BRUT The heir apparent to the style of Perrier-Jouët. "The cuvée Perrier Jouët Grand Brut is the perfect introduction to the style of the Maison." Hervé Deschamps , chef de caves. Assembly of fifty Crus different, Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut it is a true reflection of the quality and diversity of the wine tradition of the Maison. This assemblage is the balance between consistency of style Perrier-Jouët and the effects of the climatology of the year. With the addition of between a 12 and 20% of reserve wines, the cuvée Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut is dominated by elegance and finesse of Chardonnay (20%) from the best vineyards of the Côte des Blancs. The delicacy of its structure comes from the Pinot Noir (40%) harvested mainly in the Montagne de Reims and Vallée de la Marne, although also in the best Crus of the region Aube, as Les Riceys. The Pinot Meunier (40%) the Vallée de la Marne brings harmony, a fruity character and roundness to the wine. Pairing Perrier-Jouët Grand combines perfectly with dishes like carpaccio of fish or white meat Brut. Its cheerful liveliness is complemented perfectly with the crisp vegetables and the tofu. Medals Gold medal in the category of Champagne Brut – GILBERT ET GAILLARD, 2016    
  • Viña Herminia Crianza (Magnum)

    Your parenting 12 months gives a complex character and fruity, alive and clean. The wine is round and wide, reflection of the good work and the tradition of the Rioja.
    Ideal to accompany red meats, game dishes or mature cheeses.
  • Marqués de Vitoria Crianza 2015 (Magnum)

    The grape is harvested, selected, destemmed and fermented at controlled temperature in order to subsequently raise during 12 months in american oak barrels. Fine-tuned end in the bottle in the interior of the cellars.
    It is easy to pair with any type of meat. Grilled mushrooms. Some fish a lot of flavor or fatty, like tuna or cod. Cheese emmental or gruyere. Good with rice with mushrooms.
  • The Viña Tondonia Estate Reserve 2005 (Magnum)

    Characteristics of the harvest: Year rated as EXCELLENT. Of the 170 has. in the property of our warehouse, distributed in our 4 farms, in this year 2005 we had 154 has in production. The harvest of 2005 was significantly lower than that of 2004, mainly because the sample of inflorescences in the bud break was a bit lower. The vegetative cycle occurred properly, in good weather conditions with absence of frost, and accidents meteorological remarkable, and only it should be noted that the advancement, about ten days, with the onset of the sprouting continued until the harvest which began the day 24 September in “Viña Gravonia” with the white varieties, the day 27 the same month, in “Viña tondonia estate” for the varieties and ended the day 22 October in “Viña Cubillas”. A strong storm surprised us on the day 12 October and produced this delay with respect to what might determine a start so early. In addition to this delay, so intense rainfall –more than 40 l/m2 in less than an hour– caused damage more important on the ground (drag land, fall of ribazos, flooding of farms and cellars...) in the bunches that were left for harvest, approximately a 20% of the final production, which we could qualify as a very good quality. The grapes came in healthy, with an average grade balanced and good concentration of colouring matter, essential characteristics to create wines with vocation for ageing. Aging in barrel: 6 years old, subject to 2 rackings per year. Clarified with whites of fresh eggs. Production: 250.000 bottles. Pairing: With notes of spices and vanilla from the barrel aging, without realizing the whole bottle just, very easy to drink, accompanies both warm salads with quail or bird, puff pastry, foie gras with a reduction of raspberry jam, as to roast lamb, or suckling pig. In general, with almost everything, it is a wine that is very versatile.