Kits to give away

Boxes and cases ready to give away, either wrapped or in its original box

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  • Champagne Veuve Clicquot Brut

     Yellow Label is Veuve Clicquot's signature of quality and style, that is regenerated every year thanks to our essential collection of reserve wines. Its bright yellow label reflects the sparkling personality of champagne and the impeccable winemaking credentials that comprise it..
  • Alba Crianza Cross + 6 cups

    Cruz de Alba Bottle Case with six Bormioli Rocco brand glasses 55 GIFT capacity cl
    The bottle comes out 14.72
    Cruz de Alba Crianza is a modern cut wine, with a more fruity profile. The restrained use of wood makes this wine a balanced and structured product..
  • Albariño / Rias Baixas: Finca Valiñas ( 2019 )

    Frades Sea Farm Valiñas, made with 100% Albariño.Elaboration: From grapes come from the farm Valiñas, that was planted for already 30 years old. All grapes are hand-selected cellar, key aspect for quality in years like this maturation is irregular between different plots. Discarding was 15%. The grapes followed a cold maceration for something more than 20 hours. After starting the fermentation of the wine to French oak barrels where it continues moved for about six months. The other part of the wine continues its aging on lees with periodic deposit works removed from lees.
  • Estuche Magnum Anna Codorniú O.D.. Quarry

    Description: Estuche Anna Codorniú O.D.. QuarryANNA CodorniuO.D.. Quarry1 bottle of 1,5 l.Cardboard case.
  • Case Juve y Camps Reserva de la Familia Do Kyung-soo. Cava Nº2

    Description: Case Juve y Camps Reserva de la Familia Do Kyung-soo. QuarryJuve y Camps Family ReserveO.D.. Quarry3 75 cl bottles.Wooden case.
  • Case 3 Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial A.O.C Champagne Nº2

    Description: Moët case & Chandon Brut Imperial A.O.C ChampagneMOËT & CHANDON BRUT IMPERIAL A.O.C Champagne3 bottles 75 cl.Wooden case.
  • Estuche Magnum Moët & Chandon Brut Imperial A.O.C Champagne

    Description: Moët case & Chandon Brut Imperial A.O.C ChampagneMOËT & CHANDON BRUT IMPERIALA.O.C Champagne1 bottle of 1,5 l.Wooden case.
  • Estuche Magnum Marques de Riscal Rioja Reserva D.O.C

    Description: Case Marqués de Riscal Rioja D.O.CMARKED FOR RISCALD.O.C Rioja1 bottle 1,5 l. red book.Wooden case. 
  • Magnum Protos D.O Case. Crianza Ribera de Duero

    Description:Estuche Protos O.D.. Ribera del DueroPROTOSO.D.. Ribera del Duero1 bottle 1,5 l. Crianza.Cardboard case. 
  • Case Magnum Marques de Caceres Rioja D.O.C

    Description: Case Marques de Caceres Rioja D.O.CMarques de CaceresD.O.C Rioja1 bottle 1,5 l. Crianza.Wooden case. 
  • Estuche Magnum D.O.C Muriel Rioja Crianza

    Description: Case Muriel Rioja D.O.CMURIELD.O.C Rioja1 bottle 1,5 l. Crianza.Cardboard case.
  • Magnum Montelciego D.O.C Rioja case

    Description: Estuche Montelciego D.O.C RiojaMONTELCIEGOD.O.C Rioja1 bottle 1,5 l. Crianza.Cardboard case.
  • Magnum La Sastrería D.O. Carignan red oak 1.5L

    Description: The Tailoring D.O. CariñenatailoringO.D.. Cariñena1 bottle 1,5 l. red oak.
  • Case Bodegas Protos O.D.. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Case Bodegas Protos O.D.. Ribera del DueroBodegas ProtosO.D.. Ribera del Duero1 great booking + 1 Oak + 1 crianza. Bottles 75 cl.wood case. 
  • Case 4 Alejandro Fernández bottles

    Description: Alejandro Fernandez CaseALEJANDRO FERNANDEZ1 Pesquera Crianza + 1 Crianza link + 1 Dehesa La Granja + 1 County Haza. Bottles 75 cl.
  • Case 3 Marqués de Riscal Gran Reserva.

    Description: Case Marqués de Riscal Rioja D.O.CMARKED FOR RISCALD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Gran Reserva Tinto.Wooden case.
  • Case 3 Muriel D.O.C Rioja gran reserva.

    Description: Case Muriel Rioja D.O.CMURIELD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Gran Reserva Tinto.Wooden case.
  • Case Marqués de Murrieta Rioja D.O.C

    Description:Case Marqués de Murrieta Rioja D.O.CMarqués de MurrietaD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • wood case 3 Vina Ardanza Reserva Rioja D.O.C

    Description:Case Rioja Vineyard Ardanza D.O.CVINEYARD ARDANZAD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • D.O.C Tondonia Rioja Vineyard Case

    Description:D.O.C Tondonia Rioja Vineyard CaseVina TONDONIAD.O.C Rioja2 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case 3 Marqués de Riscal Reserva bottles

    Description:Case Marqués de Riscal Rioja D.O.CMARKED FOR RISCALD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case 3 bottles Ramon Bilbao Reserva

    Description:Case Ramon Bilbao Rioja D.O.CRamón BilbaoD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case No. 2 Beronia D.O.C Rioja

    Description:Beronia case D.O.C RiojaBERONIAD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Marqués de Cáceres Reserva Case

    Description:Case Marques de Caceres Rioja D.O.CMarques de CaceresD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Cune Reserve Case

    Description:Estuche D.O.C Cune RiojaCUNED.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Coto de Imaz case reseva

    Description: Case Coto de Imaz Rioja D.O.CCOTO DE IMAZD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case Muriel Rioja D.O.C

    Description: Case Muriel Rioja D.O.CMURIELD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case Vineyard Albali reserve O.D.. Valdepeñas

    Description: Case Vineyard Albali O.D.. ValdepeñasVIÑA ALBALIO.D.. Valdepeñas3 bottles 75 cl. red book. Wooden case.
  • Case Emilio Moro Crianza O.D.. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Case Emilio Moro O.D.. Ribera del DueroEMILIO MOROO.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Wooden case.
  • Protos Crianza Case O.D.. Ribera del Duero

    Description:Estuche Protos O.D.. Ribera del DueroPROTOSO.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Arzuaga Crianza Case Do Kyung-soo. Ribera del Duero

    Description:Case Arzuaga O.D.. Ribera del DueroARZUAGACase Arzuaga O.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Wooden case.
  • Case Matarromera O.D.. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Case Matarromera O.D.. Ribera del DueroMATARROMERAO.D.. Ribera del Duero2 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Wooden case.
  • Case Cune Crianza Rioja D.O.C

    Description:Estuche D.O.C Cune RiojaCUNED.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • The case Coto Crianza Rioja D.O.C

    Description:El Coto Rioja case D.O.CEL COTOD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Wooden case.
  • Marqués de Cáceres Crianza case Rioja D.O.C

    Description:Case Marques de Caceres Rioja D.O.CMarques de CaceresD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Silence Speaks case of Extremadura V.T

    Description: Silence Speaks case of Extremadura V.TSPEAKING OF SILENCEV.T Extremadura2 bottles 75 cl. red. Cardboard case.
  • Rioja Crianza D.O.C case Beronia

    Description: Beronia case D.O.C RiojaBERONIAD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Wooden case.
  • Azpilicueta Crianza Rioja case D.O.C

    Description:Estuche D.O.C Azpilicueta RiojaAZPILICUETAD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Do Kyung-soo short breeding Rama Case. La Mancha

    Description: Do Kyung-soo Rama Short Case. La ManchaRAMA SHORTD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Case Muriel Crianza Rioja D.O.C

    Description: Case Muriel Rioja D.O.CMURIELD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Case 3 Montelciego Crianza D.O.C Rioja

    Description: Estuche Montelciego D.O.C RiojaMONTELCIEGOD.O.C Rioja3 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Case 3 bot Hacienda López de Haro D.O.C Rioja

    Description: Case Hacienda López de Haro Rioja D.O.CHACIENDA Lopez de Haro D.O.C Rioja2 bottles 75 cl. Crianza. Cardboard case.
  • Case 3 Plant D.O. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Do Kyung-soo Plant Case. Ribera del DueroPLANTO.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. red oak.CARTON
  • Case 3 bot Finca Resalso D.O. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Case Farm Resalso O.D.. Ribera del DueroFINCA RESALSOO.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. red oak.CARTON
  • Case 3 bot Camino de Castilla Roble D.O Ribera del Duero

    Description: Camino de Castilla D.O Ribera del DueroROAD CASTILLA D.O Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. red oak.
  • Case 3 bot Protos D.O. Ribera del Duero

    Description: Estuche Protos O.D.. Ribera del DueroPROTOSO.D.. Ribera del Duero3 bottles 75 cl. red oak.CARTON
  • Case 3 bot Great Monument V.T of Castile

    Description: Case 3 bottles, O.D.. CariñenatailoringO.D.. Cariñena1 bottle Verdejo1 Botella Syrah1 bottle Cabernet Sauvignon. Cardboard case.
  • Case 3 La Sastrería red bottles: O.D.. Carignan Nº2

    Description: Case 3 bottles, O.D.. CariñenatailoringO.D.. Cariñena3 bottles 75 cl. redCardboard case.
  • Case 3 La Sastrería bottles: O.D.. Cariñena

    Description: Case 3 bottles, O.D.. CariñenatailoringO.D.. Cariñena1 red + 1 White + 1 pink.3 bottles 75 cl. Cardboard case.
  • Ham Gran Reserva Celtic : Home Castelao

    Ham Gran Reserva Celtic House Castelo 8 kg -/+
    • 194 days, date of preferential consumption Format 8 kg approx.Presentation: the natural EAN code: 8437005774384
    Home Castelao, it is a company of familiar character, located in the top of the mountain lugo To Fonsagrada thousand m of altitude, our company was founded in the year 1999 with the intention of introducing in the market products of the highest quality according to the artisan tradition and the good know that had characterized our grandmother Doña Carmen ( Known for good cooking and processing of meats at the slaughter home) that is why on the basis of the experience that we had transmitted to our grandmother and the good features, micro-climatic and environmental of the area, we decided to take that step back in 1999, today we can say that all this added with the integration in your breast of the new technological advances we permute in the present to combine the experience with the technology by being both one of the most well known companies in the agri-food sector gallego...  
  • Albariño: Mar de Frades Albariño Magnum

    Mar de Frades Albariño Magnum, 1,5LDEVELOPMENT: The grapes harvested in season , crossing selection belts where clusters that are not "perfect" separate. Thus we get even more difficult years, qualities are very high. At harvest 2013, between 8 and 10% bunch coming from the field were removed in this process. The selected grape, macerated for periods of 10 and 20 hours depending on the starting, obtaining some aromatic musts, clean and great potential. Fermentations, slow and controlled, bound acidity, slightly higher than in the previous harvest, has moved to wines giving a special vividness, reminding one of the best vintages of the last decade Albariño.CATA: Color lemon, with golden flecks and bright green lime reflection skin. The nose shows notes of pome fruits like green apple and pear especially blanquilla; all about a subtle and persistent floral background. In the mouth the tour is spirited, leaving a fresh feeling, with continuity that made the nasal phase (flowers and green fruit about to mature ....). The final step is saline, with mineral notes and a reminder of ginger mixed with feelings of lychees and other exotic fruits. 
  • Sliced ​​cured "Porco Celta de Campo" Cercel

    Presentation: Parts +/- 8 kgFeatures: Jamón de Porco Celta de Campo,100% purebred Celtic, reared free in the "soutos" Galicians with healing 24 to 30 months.Its flesh is red with an average infiltration. Organoleptic characteristics lead us to the flavors of yesteryear, aromas tradicción, winery, flavors tuned for Chestnut, unctuous and long aftertaste, nothing bitter.Health and Wellness: Because race and breeding system released, ham Porco Celta field contains a high nutritional value in unsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid. This being recommended for a balanced diet.Pairing: Dale ham Cercel, a good Galician wheat and rye bread, a little oil virgin Olei, and you will taste the essence of a people.