
Moscatel Gran Palafox 50cl

Moscatel Gran Palafox

Talk about moscato wine is to talk about the wines that are produced with the grape of the same name, being this grain fat, usually like a lot of sun and is characterized by being very sweet.
Not in vain, when we refer to this excellent wine, we are referring to an elixir of the gods that has a sweetness very distinctive and is very versatile for any situation.



  • Muscat has a golden color of medium intensity, clean and bright.
  • On the nose the aromas of raisins combine, with aniseed touches (fennel), florals and some citrus fruits.
  • In the mouth it is an explosion of raisin fruit flavor. The sweetness is perfectly matched with the acidity that gives it freshness. In the aftertaste, sweet and very persistent, leaves a feeling like you just ate raisin.

The winery:

Wineries Larre is a winery young, Founded in 2013, with the objective of re-launching a few wines that are full of history of Aragon.

It is a winery that combines the tradition of their wines and sparkling wines, with the innovation of their presentations.

Is in constant search of the best grape varieties and where they are (Grenache, Tempranillo, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot for the wine and grape-Muscat of Alexandria, grape Moscatel de grano menudo and Moscatel grapes for liqueur wines), and their winemakers are in charge of the blend perfect.

Additional information

Weight2.5 kg
Dimensions23 × 16 × 34 cm

Wine type

Wine by age

To nothing


Wine for sugar



Temperature of service






Bottle or by Box:

Preferential consumption



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